I did the deed, there’s no going back now,

I bit the bullet and got my permission slip to get Medical Cannabis from the State of Utah.
It wasn’t that difficult of a process, I contacted a Nurse practitioner who’ve I’ve known for years, and found out he was an LMP with the state who could get me started in the program.
We hopped on a telemedicine video call and while he asked me the standard questions, he helped walk me though the state website, and how to register for the card. With $15 dollars yanked from me by the state of Utah, I was placed into their system and awaited their final blessing back at HQ.
The next day I got an alert that my card had been approved, and I hopped online after searching between a few of the dispensary’s, I decided to give Wholesome a go. I especially liked their wider selection and the free delivery — and they did Zoom consults.
This is really big one for me, because getting out of the house is sometimes a challenge for me. If I had to drive up there I would most likely just chose to stay home and suffer. That’s what’s so shitty about depression.
I placed my order on their website, and it blew my mind that within a few hours a happy go lucky weed guy showed up to my door with my “stash” in a cute little discrete box. I showed them my ID, my weed card and gave them my debit card, and in no time I had a weeks worth of meds, ALBEIT FRACKING EXPENSIVE AS FU** –– but the nicest thing about this was the calm feeling that I don’t have to worry about the local drug SWAT task force breaking my door down in a midnight raid cus a have a few gummies and vape cartridges.
This is what we call progress! If you would have asked me 10 years ago if this was all gonna be possible for Utah, I’d had laughed… and then coughed, cus I took a hit right before you told the joke. 🤣