I started using medical cannabis around the same time I was in the process of medically retiring from the military. Up until that point I was taking upwards of 28 pills a day, a near toxic combination of Benzo’s, Opiates, SSRI’s, Amphetamines, Ambian, and more. The combination of all of these pharmaceuticals put me in the hospital several times over the years and I knew it wasn’t sustainable.
While on a Veterans retreat up at the Snowbird Resort, I was sharing my experience with another veteran friend of mine around the campfire, he then spent the next hour telling me about how my story sounded a lot like his story until Medical Cannabis saved his life and helped him break that cycle.

You see –– I was born in the 80s. I was a child of the “Just Say No” era of government sponsored propaganda, so initially I was hesitant, but willing to go out on a limb and trust my buddy, he passed me his long wooden Gandolph smoking pipe with his lighter. I brought the pipe to my lips, flicked the bic and took a few puffs –– and then began to cough my soul out for the next few minutes. After I caught my breath, I noticed this sensation of peace and calm just wash and come over me, even the way I was breathing changed, I no longer had the urge to keep my head on a swivel constantly checking my surroundings, and for the rest of that evening around the fire I was able to experience what it felt like to just relax and be in a state where I could actually heal and just catch my breath. It was amazing, and it was so healing! Now a funny side story to go along with this experience, one of the Veteran “Leaders” of the group in charge of the retreat Flipped the F out when he smelled the thick dank weed smoke wafting through the bottoms of the valley. He went from group to group to find out which one of us hoodlums was smoking the sticky ickey. As he came stomping up to the fire pit yelling “Which one of you is doing Dope” like it was one of those anti-drug filmstrips of yesteryear. He went on a rant about how that stuff is gonna put us in jail, and ruin our lives, and swore to ban whoever is responsible from ever coming to a VA sponsored event again. 🙄
Anyways, after that Veterans retreat I returned home, and I began using medical cannabis as a regular part of my medical protocols. I went from taking 28- pills a day to taking 2 pills supplemented with Medical Cannabis… so I ask the question, who’s life is ruined now?
The “VA Pharmacuitical Cocktail” put me in the ER several times, but since using MedC… I haven’t been to the ER once. So I guess that speaks for itself.

For me personally when it comes to day-to-day usage, smoking cannabis is not the best option for me. Legality aside, since smoking cannabis in Utah is still illegal –– I live in a townhome, and the smell is really difficult to contain. So I began doing some research, and discovered a table-top vaporizer that doesn’t combust the raw plant material, but delivers all the medicine in it’s purest form, vaporized.
I’ve been using the Ariser ExtremeQ vaporizers for about 7 years now, and its my go-to way to take my medicine. You may be asking, what makes this different than smoking it?
I’ll be happy to explain. The Vaporizer has a ceramic heating element with a fan that blows the heated air on the raw flower material causing the medicine and oils within the plant to flash vaporize into a steam which is then collected in a bag.

The raw plant material never reaches the point of combustion so you’re not going to breathing in the harsh smoke and all the other nasty stuff that comes with burning it. Once the bag is inflated you have a wonderful balloon of magnificent medicine just waiting to get inside you.
Using this form of consumption ensures a consistent and reliable dose of cannabis every time, which is really important when you’re using cannabis for medicinal purposes. There are several different brands of table top vaporizer, the other popular brand is called the Volcano.
When it comes to how much plant material you want to add to the chamber, it varies from user to user, I like to use the cap of an old chapstick container (about 1/4 tsp).
I’ve found that it’s a perfect dosing size, and chapstick is one of those things you’ll always find laying around our house, so if you lose it, its really easy to replace.

Whenever I have a new friend getting into the medical cannabis world, this would be my number one recommendation for method of consumption. It’s the healthiest, most consistent and reliable form.
There’s also hand held and pocket versions of this kind of consumption method, but I just love the dependability of an A/C Plug it into the wall type so you never have to worry about batteries and such.